Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (required reading)

Hitchhiker's Guide is, for the most part, a light hearted science fiction story that follows likable and interesting characters. The humans feels real and the aliens even have human qualities, particularly Ford Prefect, who does his best to blend in with human society. 

However, on a deeper level, the story makes a pretty serious and profound comment on what it means to be human, on a small planet in a giant universe. There is a world that we live in that mostly exists within our own head and we have priorities and concerns that are much smaller in reality than they are in our minds. Hitchhiker's does a fantastic job of breaking though that illusion and showing us the bigger and more true picture. 

It is a humbling story that would seem like it could only be told in a scathing or cynical manner... but to my surprise, and liking, it is actually a very hopeful and positive experience. What we often think we are is far more significant than what we probably are and the dosage of "truth" that hitchhiker's offers up is a refreshing one. I really liked this story all in all. 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

A Clockwork Orange (required reading)

A clockwork Orange is a science fiction novel that speculates a future in which England's rebellious youth culture has become uncontrollable. The science fiction setting is merely a framework that allows Anthony Burgess to analyze and comment on the direction he feels the youth at the time where really heading down. 

Not only does it analyze the youth themselves but also the way their behavior and is reinforced by the older generation. He uses powerfully disturbing imagery to make this statement in a way that will effect the reader on a deep, emotional level. In this way I think the novel is definitely literary. 

In some ways the book feels like dystopian vision of a world in the same way that 1984 or Brave New World is, but really it is a different kind of dystopian book. Rather than igniting anger and fear at the idea of outside forces (like the government) creating a dystopian world, he instead puts that on the reader. I think this is what makes the book most alarming to me. It is our fault for the way society turns out, whether you are the current generation causing mayhem with seemingly no repercussions or the generation before them that it is enabling it to happen and doping nothing to stop it. Everyone is guilty and a victim at the same time; and Even the most heinous character, Alex, is a victim in some small way, just by being born into and influenced by society... It's hard to admit cause his character is so awful but I think it is true and I think that subtle tragedy is actually one of the most impactful things to take from the novel.  

Nueromancer (required reading)

Nueromancer is a cyber punk novel that creates a very interesting world in which augmentation and alternate realities blend into the everyday live's of the people that inhabit the world. The novel deals with these seemingly fantastical elements in a way that makes them feel very real, especially in this day and age where the Internet is a primary form of interaction and entertainment, and where medical technologies are essential to many people's continued existence. 

William Gibson also takes special care detailing many other interesting aspects of a cyberpunk world that make it all feel more real and substantial. At first the way the characters throw around unfamiliar lingo/ slang is disorienting and it really started to turn me off to the novel. However, after a while, it started to pull me in deeper into the world and makes me feel like they are in a real places with real people... The feeling is not unlike being in another state or country where people talk differently from the way you are used to. You feel like a fish out of water at first but if you stay long enough, you will start to blend in. 

William Gibson uses these things to enhance the world he has built but when you boil the novel down to its most essential aspects, you realize it is a adventure/ action novel. I think this is what make the novel so great to me. It's an adventure that is structured in a way not far from many adventure stories I have read/seen before; all containing characters that fit into proper adventure story roles... However the world he builds is so awesome and inviting... even when it seems like a pretty crumby place (which it often does), you still want to be there. 

Dune (required reading)

Dune is an epic science fiction novel that explores many ideas especially when it comes to ideas that involve the power of the mind. I think it's most interesting aspect come from this idea. Paul, the main character undergoes an incredible transformation throughout the novel in which he becomes a god-like being that a mixture of male and female aspects that the novel establishes. 

The powers of the female Bene Geserates of the novels are mainly mental (although some are physical) and the novel establishes them as the superior force of the universe. Paul possesses these powers as well as fighting and survival abilities learned from training he got from mostly male characters... I think that Herbert made these 2 separate worlds so distinctly different intentionally and that makes Paul's journey into becoming the best of both worlds all the more incredible. Paul's unique role not only makes him transform into an incredibly powerful being, it also happens to fulfill a a prophecy from the Fremin (the native people of Arrakis) and it is never really made clear if their prophecies are fact or not, or if it is just all coincidence. I think Frank Herbert keeps all the answers intentionally vague so that the reader struggle with finding the answers in the same way Paul does. Because of this we are able to slip into Paul's shoes and experience his journey along side him... which is pretty cool considering Paul is far from your average person in almost every way imaginable. 

Another interesting aspect of the novel is the planet of Arrakis itself. I have never read a novel where such a fantastical setting feels as alive as Arrakis does. I mean that figuratively as well as literally as the plant seems consumes people with the giant worms that live within it, and even though you can argue that worms are not part of the setting, the way they are described by Herbert makes it clear that they are. The spice that the conflict revolved around is found all over the planet but it is later realized to be a product of the worms and the only way that they can gain true control over the planet is by controlling the worms themselves. Because of all this, I think that Arrakis is probably my favorite fictional setting/non-human character of any novel, ever.